Monday, March 3, 2014

Intimately Involved

I am able to look at my life now and track back to every past event, person, and/or decision in my life that has brought me to where I am today. And in all of those events, people, and decisions, I can see how God used them for His perfect plan for me. Whether it was a good decision, a mundane ritual, an influential person, or a bad choice, God easily found a way to link everything together to bring me here and now, and to bring honor and glory to Himself. Perhaps some day, I will share my full testimony with you all, but now is not the time.

I am sure most of you have heard that I recently got a job as an Equestrian Program Director. I am so very excited for it! But the way I got it reinforces the fact that God is intimately involved in my life.

In early January of this year, I was still looking for more ways to increase the income for my family. I was pretty much looking for anything and everything I could possibly do, because, Lord knows, we need the money. I found a private school in my town that also has, quite conveniently, a horse back riding camp that was looking for camp counselors for this summer. I also saw that they needed a new equestrian program director. Hopeful, I looked over the requirements for the position, some of which I did not possess. I figured that since I did not meet all of the requirements, it would have been a waste of time to apply (a mind-set I would not recommend to anyone). I had all and more of the knowledge and skill sets that the counselor position required, so I sent in my resume and hoped for the best.

Just last week, while mucking a horse's stall, I felt a dense wave of sadness and disappointment wash over me that whole morning. What was I doing with myself? I was not doing anything progressive, and certainly nothing to do with my schooling. My college education was a waste of time and money, and I should have realized that when I knew I was having way too much fun with my classes. Seriously, most all of my classes consisted of riding horses (one of my finals was a trail ride, for pete's sake!). But I digress. That morning, I felt, more or less, worthless. Not being able to help provide for my family and my student loans weighing down on us.

Later that same morning, Jeremiah (my new boss), called me and said, "I know you didn't apply for it, but would you be interested in interviewing for the equestrian program director position?" My reply: "Yes, YES I WOULD!"

This is just one example of how I see God working. I can visibly see it! I could not even try to give anyone or anything else credit for that happening. God is so intimately involved in my life that He might as well be leading me by my hand. My life is full of those examples, so I have never really had a problem trusting God, giving it all to Him, and letting Him fulfill His perfect will. Please take this as encouragement. Let God in and He will always take care of you. My philosophy that I have always stood by: God won't give you anything that He knows you won't be able to handle. I hope you are able to examine your life and be able to find examples of God working in your life, because I know there are lots of them.

Be strong. Keep hope. Trust God.

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." ~ Joshua 1:9

Way too much fun. :)

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