Thursday, April 3, 2014

....It's the last semestser.

Sometimes, there are just too many thoughts to compile together to make into a decent blog post with one subject. So, here’s a list of things that have been on my mind. It won’t be anything deep or anything like that. They’re just thoughts. So, sit back and enjoy the ride that is Katie’s mind. (God bless you if you continue reading).

  • I ate bacon cheese fries at 11 last night. It was delicious, yet so so bad for me. But I don’t regret one single moment.
  •  I’m currently in the middle of writing a sermon that I have to preach on April 16th. It’s due tomorrow – at the latest. I only have 2 points written. I’ve had such a struggle writing this and I’m getting frustrated that it’s taking me so long and worried that I won’t get it done in time. Plus, it’s the only Holy Week chapel, so there’s that added pressure because I was chosen for it. I just hope the Lord is glorified through the process of writing and preaching it.
  • In my class, we’re learning about church fraud, and a mug shot showed up of an old lady who embezzled over 90 thousand dollars from her church. Is it bad that I laughed when I saw her picture?
  • Last week, I decided that within this last semester I have at school – just 9 more weeks, praise the Lord – I’m going to keep to myself. I hate knowing everything about everyone’s lives. I want people to have their privacy. Just because I’m in close community doesn’t mean I need to know. And so far – I’ve found that I have a lot more joy. I’m happier, day by day.
  • The Palisades Mall took out my favorite FroYo place. They betrayed me. The Palisades Mall is now the Benedict Arnold Mall. It’s dead to me. (Kind of. I gotta eat sometimes).
  • I’ve stopped wearing eyeliner on my bottom eyelid. It’s incredibly freeing. I actually look my age with just light, natural eye shadow and mascara. It’s crazy how that one little decision had opened my eyes to see how beautiful I truly am without heavy makeup… and how much happier my bank account is going to be.
  • This weekend, I get to go to Hershey for a mandatory single’s retreat. Thaaaaaaaaaat’s right. Single’s retreat. Whatevs. I get to experience a weekend away from school, in a nice hotel right down the road from Chocolate World (HOLLER) and Organic Chai Chocolate bars. 
  • Can I be married now?
  • My brother-in-law is really cool. I finally get the brother I always wanted. He doesn’t hold anything back; always saying whatever comes into his mind. I love it.
  • My dad’s teaching an Ethics Class at the school. I’m not allowed to be in his class, though. But like, doesn’t the school know that he was my basketball coach once and he was harder on me than anyone else on the team?
  • I really just need some coffee.

So, that’s my life right now. Seriously, though, God bless you for reading. Go buy yourself some ice cream. You deserve it.