Monday, October 28, 2013

Introduction: Maya

Chris is our resident writer....and he provided a swell outline to help us get rolling with our first "introductory" post. So, in the outline, we are to start with a name.  

Hello. My name is Maya....I prefer Blinkie, but whatever...I respond to most things starting with "M". My role in tribe is...well.....we're not going to get into that now, actually. Maybe later. But this "Tribal Community" thing is a ridiculously important part of my life - Tribe is the very best of friends. Real-real friends. Friends that pick you up when you're feeling down. Friends that challenge you to think more deeply about the world. Friends who love you through all your faults and also challenge you to be a better person.

Friends who tolerate some dead minks living on top of the fridge...

as well as string of vertebrae on the inside...

I'd even go so far as to say that Tribe has had the single most positive impact on my life (seriously....pre-Tribe-Maya was an angry, not-friendly, black-clad emo-pants-wearing person, with zero ambition and didn't particularly see the point in living past the age of 20...Now 23-year-old-and-graduated-Maya is mostly the opposite...but still sometimes angry).

I graduated from Houghton College with the majority of Tribe in the spring of 2012....aaaaaaand didn't really have a life plan....but after a lot (a lot a lot a lot) of encouragement from friends and professors, (and after a brief stint as a historical re-enacter/environmental educator) I ended up in Kansas as a graduate student. 

Yes....Kansas. Blue skies, tall grass, tornadoes and a very big (and beautiful) horizon.

This picture of Kansas features a hill. 

This is one of my salamanders...isn't it cute?
My degree-plan says that my major is "zoology"....maybe...?...and my thesis will one day be about salamander behavior. 
Pretty fun stuff, really.

Given the whole zoology-salamander business, you could probably guess that I'm a big fan of critters (with the exception of ticks and chiggers....I hate those devils) as well as nature-y outside-ness. I love being outdoors, hiking, camping, canoeing, peeing in the woods, finding snazzy animals, snorkeling, climbing trees, nibbling twigs, enjoying campfires....I also really liked my time as an environmental educator--I enjoy teaching kids and I appreciate their enthusiasm and excitement for the world. It taught me that life is sooooooo much more fun if you can channel that crazy sense of awe, wonder and enthusiasm that little kids have in them, you know? So, I feel like many of my blog posts will be a lot of reflections on how amazing the world is (as experienced through my everyday adventures as an....erm..."biologist in training")....As well as reflections on environmental stewardship, things that I am learning about in class, things that I am learning about in this strange world of higher education, things that I am learning about myself and things that I'm learning about Jesus-y-stuff.

...And it will probably also almost always tie back into the support I've had from Tribe, as well as how all of our different interests and passions come together in a beautifully diverse arrangement of snazz....(and how I miss them all very, very much). We are all hoping to one day end this diaspora and live together somehow. I think it'll work out, but in the mean time, we're embarking on this blogging adventure together and I couldn't be more excited!


Thursday, October 17, 2013

Introduction: Chris

Hi there!

My name is Chris and I am the editor of Tribal Living. I am also one of the founding "core" members of Tribe.

I am currently living in Portland, ME with my wife, Jenny, a fellow Tribe member. I work as the Youth Director (pseudo-youth pastor) at The Salvation Army. I majored in both writing and psychology and Houghton and still have a great interest in both. I'm an avid (or addictive) gamer and a lapsed writer. I say lapsed writer because of how rarely I actually do write and how dissatisfied I am with my writing in general. But I am working on that.

Overall I'm really enjoying life at this point. I absolutely love my job. I get to talk about the Bible and play games with kids and get paid for it! It doesn't get better than that. Also, as any Tribe member could tell you I am definitely a city person. Portland is just the perfect size of city for me. Just walking downtown is an adventure and I love being here.

As good as things are going I do also miss Tribe. A lot. I go into my feelings of loneliness in much more detail in my personal blog so I'll be brief here. I feel very lost without Tribe. I don't have many friends here and I've been in Portland for over a year. I don't really have anyone to just spend time with. Tribe is my community, and I miss it. Without friends to roll their eyes at my jokes or go on adventures with I really don't have much excitement in my personal life. Also, to me Tribe feels very much like the family I married into. As a Tribe member who married I Tribe member I do feel very much that Tribe is a kind of extended family. They’re the cronies for me to make dumb jokes with and the people for Jenny to talk about everything with. They are my community. And we live in diaspora. I like to think that someday Tribe will all live together. That is my dream.

The thing that makes Tribe so special in my mind is just how many levels we can connect on. It's not that we're all similar, far from it, it's simply that we can always find a way to connect. With most people I meet I can find one point of connection. Like, I can connect with you because you are a Christian. Or a gamer. Or a geek. Or whatever. But with Tribe we do not connect because we are similar, we simply connect because we are. Existence is reason enough to connect. I seriously miss that.

I'm very excited to be starting this blogging project with Tribe. I think this will be a great opportunity to communicate and also explore some of the really interesting issues that Tribe as a group works through. I guess I'm most excited because knowing Tribe this blog could turn into anything. There is literally unlimited potential. I can't wait to see what happens.

Well, that's it for me. Thanks for reading. As a reward take this awesome GIF. You're welcome.